Since I started this course back in September I have made a simple box in 3D Max to help me get use to some of the tools in 3D Max. I have also worked on my first assignment which is making a 3D room with a story behind it.
When I first started my room I was going to have the kitchen as a murder scene with police tape on the doors, blood on the floor and a knife which would be missing from the knife rack. Sadly I scrapped this idea due to time, even though I ran out of time I wanted to add a Easter egg to the room by adding a knife with blood on it on top of the fridge. Sadly I couldn't finish this either due to time and having trouble with the lighting.
Like I mentioned, I had a lot of trouble when it came to adding the lighting at the end, for some reason I just couldn't get it work. What made this problem worse was the fact that on the last day for hand in I still didn't have my lighting sorted out and it was coming to the point were I thought I wouldn't hand it in on time but after messing around with a lot of different lighting, I found some lighting that worked. I was so happy because I got it all finished about 10 minutes before hand in.
The only problem I have with my final renders is that there were some things I couldn't do due to all the problems I was having such as:
Light coming from the lights, which is a shame because I think this would of made the lighting much better in the room and I wanted light shining in from the windows but I also couldn't do that due to all the problems I was having.
Even though there were some things I couldn't do due to time or problems I still think the room looks really good and I thought it looked great for my first attempt at a 3D room.
Since hand-in was on Monday we have now started a new assignment which is about futuristic vehicles so I should have some updates (sketches and other ideas) in my next post.
Well that's everything for today guys, I should have some updates about my next assignment in my next post.
Thanks for reading,
Daniel Bibby