Saturday, 31 October 2015

Reading Week

Since my last post I have finished my Mudbox project by making the following changes:

  • Changing the eye and adding a template instead of drawing it on
  • Changed the detail on the right eye
  • Added a texture to the skin
  • Added detail to the neck

I have mainly been working on my model this week by making the following changes:

  • Modeled a top hat, tie, shoes and a belt
  • Finished modelling the hands 
  • Made some changes to the vest

Well that's everything for now. 

Thanks for reading, 

Daniel Bibby

Friday, 16 October 2015

Modelling, Mudbox and more. #2

It's been about two weeks since I did my last post and alot has happened.
Since the last post there has been alot of changes to my mudbox project. I have started adding paint and textures and it's coming along nicely, I'm going to try and have this finish in the next two weeks.

I have also been working on some concepts to go toward my character. I have been working on his pocket watch and a few different character poses. I will be adding some more poses to this drawing in the next few days.

In the past three weeks I have started working on the 3D model of myself so far I have finished the head and now I'm working on the body.
Well that's everything for now.

Thanks for reading,

Daniel Bibby

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Modelling, Mudbox and more.

This week I have been modelling my own face in 3DS Max, using Mudbox to create a creepy looking puppet and drawing up a concept for my characters pocket watch.

I will be uploading some screenshots of the head im working on at a later date due to it being in the early stages.

This week I have nearly finished working on the face of this puppet, I'm planning on adding hair next week so then I can get started on texturing.
I've been modelling the head today but I've been having some trouble with making the nose and the ears, so I've decided that I will work on it next week instead so that I can move onto other pieces of work that needs finishing.
Today I have drawn up a pocket watch that my character can use, this is just a quick drawing. I will be adding some more colour and detail in the next couple of days.
Once I have finished this sketch I'm going to work on a final concept so that I can put more of my attention into the 3D side.

Well that's everything for now.

Thanks for reading,

Daniel Bibby